etoy.CORPORATION digitally sends M∞ PILOTS across the ultimate boundary to investigate afterlife, the most virtual of all worlds. Currently 1156 registered users build a community of the living and the dead that reconfigures the way information society deals with memory (conservation / loss), time (future / present / past) and death. Under the protection of thousands of M∞ ANGELS (the living) the M∞ PILOTS (the dead) travel space and time forever. More Information on missioneternity.org
2012 Vida – Madrid Spain
2011 CCCStrozzina – Florence Italia
2011 Kunsthaus Zug – Zug Switzerland
2010 Kunsthalle Gwangju – Gwangju Korea
2010 SiliconDreams – San Sebastian Spain
2009 ARS ELECTRONICA – Linz Austria
2009 Heiligkreuz – Entlebuch Switzerland
2009 Museum of Communication Berne – Switzerland
2009 Pollinaria – Italy
2008 Shift Festival – Basel Switzerland
2008 MANIFESTA7 – Bolzano Italy
2008 SYNTHETIC TIMES – Beijing China